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Manicure Manual Contents:

Page 3 - Course Introduction & Course Aims & Objectives
Page 4- About the Manicure Treatment
Pages 5-10- Health & Safety Regulations & risk assessment example
Pages 11-13- Covid-19 Guidelines/Sterilisation Methods and Hygiene
Pages 14-17- Relative course Anatomy & Physiology
Page 18- Professional Ethics and Standards of Practice
Page 19- Client Records
Page 20- Nail Growth
Page 20- Treatment Preparation
Page 21- Products and Equipment
Page 22– Consultation Form
Page 23- Contra-indications and Contra-actions
Page 24-25- Nail Diseases
Page 26- Nail Shapes
Page 27- Basic Manicure - Prep
Page 28-29- Basic Manicure - Step by Step
Page 30- Massage Sequence – Terms & their Meaning
Page 31-36- Massage Sequence – Step by Step
Page 37- Aftercare and Maintenance
Page 37- Troubleshooting
Page 38- Insurance

Manicure Manual

    • BIA pre-written manuals are complete with all information required to teach the topic. 
    • You must be qualified in the subject to receive the manual, we will request your qualification to be sent to us via email after purchase. 
    • The manuals are non-editable and cannot be changed in anyway. They will be sent to you in a PDF format. 
    • Your name or academy name will be added onto the front cover of the manual. 
    • All manuals have been copyrighted and any information included cannot be copied or used without BIA's permission.
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